Le jeudi 31 janvier 2019
à partir de 20h
Ciné concert - La coquille et le clergyman | 7(7) café
Tarif non communiqué
A live soundtrack for the worlds first surreal film ’La coquille et le clergyman’.(1928).
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0017775/Stems have a history creating new music to accompany silent film, beginning with the British Film Institute commission of the Georges Melies 1902 classic ’A trip to the moon’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c9WuaG7NG4
This work see’s the music expand in scope - a solo performance with looped guitar, synth and electric drums. More musical genres are explored, infusing the delicate intensity the band is known for with electronica and a more hard hitting sound which provides a brand new musical counterpoint for a classic silent film.
Stems have toured constantly for the last 6 years and performed at many prestigious events including ’We are a young team festival’ alongside ’Russian Circles’ and ’Sensoria Festival’ alongside ’Michael Rother (Neu!)
Lieu : 7(7), Sept Café
Adresse : Rue Sainte-Marie
Ville : Metz
Quartier : Quartier Centre et ancienne Ville
Département : Moselle
Région : Grand Est
Pays : France
Annoncé anonymement
le mercredi 22 juillet 2020
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